Autism Treatment and Type of Therapy
Children with autism should receive the appropriate handler since the age of DNI, for that parents need to understand how the handler is right for their child. Here are some ways in dealing with autistic children include the following:
· All handling / treatment using natural products / plant except the vitamins).
· Diet certain foods.
· Boost the immune system (immune) phllanhus niruri.
· Detoxification / repair of the liver with curcuma, xanthrorrhizae rhizoma.
· Anti-inflammatory / lnflamasi by piper betle folia.
· Vitamins
· Soaking the feet with a solution of neurotransmitters to repair nerve and hormonal functions.
· Radiation is used for activation of gross motor / fine.
· Spiritual used to smooth the path of electromagnetic waves on human energy.
As for jenisterapi should choose the type of therapy that matches the needs of children with autism. Here are 10 types of therapy actually be recognized by professionals and are good for autism. However, do not forget that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disturbance of the development process, so that any type of therapy is carried out will require a long time. In addition, the therapy must be integrated and each child requires a different type of therapy.
1. Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
ABA is a type of therapy that has been long used, has conducted research and designed specifically for children with autism. The system used is given special training in children by providing positive reinforcement (reward / praise). This type of therapy can be measured progress. Currently, therapy is the most widely used in Indonesia.
2. Speech Therapy
Almost all children with autism have difficulty in speech and language. Usually this is the most prominent, many autistic individuals are non-verbal or oratorical ability was lacking. Sometimes he spoke quite developed, but they are unable to use speech to communicate / interact with others. In this case, speech and language therapy will be very helpful.
3. Occupational Therapy
Almost all children with autism have delays in fine motor development. His movements were stiff and rough, they have trouble holding a pencil in the right way, hard to hold the spoon and bribing food to his mouth, and so forth. In this case, occupational therapy is very important to train the muscles of the subtle use properly.
4. Physical Therapy
Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder. Many autistic individuals have the developmental disorder in motor ballpark. Sometimes the tone flabby muscles so that the course is less strong. His balance is not good. Physiotherapy and sensory integration therapy would very much help to strengthen muscles and improve his balance.
5. Social Therapy
The most fundamental deficiency for individuals with autism is in the field of communication and interaction. Many of these children need help in 2-way communication skills, make friends and play together in place to play. A social therapist assist by providing facilities for them to socialize with peers and teach ways.
6. Play Therapy
While hearing a strange, an autistic child needs help in learning to play. Playing with peers is useful to learn to talk, communication and social interaction. A therapist can help the child play in this regard with certain techniques.
7. Behaviour Therapy.
Children with autism often feel frustrated. Her friends often do not understand them, they find it hard to express their needs, they are many who are hypersensitive to sound, light and touch. No wonder that they often went berserk. A behavior therapist is trained to look for the background of the negative behavior and seek a solution by recommending changes in environment and routine child to improve his behavior,
8. Therapy Development
Floortime, Son-rise and RDI (Relationship Developmental Intervention) is considered as the therapy development. This means that children learn their interests, strengths and developmental level, and improved social skills, emotional and intellectual. Therapy is different from the development of behavioral therapies such as ABA that more specific teaching skills.
9. Visual Therapy
Autistic individuals is easier to learn by seeing (visual Learners / visual thinkers). This is then used to develop methods of communication learn through the pictures, for example with the method of Pecs (Picture Exchange Communication System). Some video games can also be used to develop communication skills.
10. Biomedical Therapy
Biomedical therapy developed by physician groups who joined in AND! (Defeat Autism Now). Many of the pioneering having autistic children. They are very determined to do research and find that the symptoms the child is exacerbated by the presence of metabolic disorders which will impact on brain function disorders. Therefore these children are examined intensively, checking, blood, urine, feces, and hair. All things found abnormal taken care of, so that the brain is clear of interference. The real more children making progress when you get a comprehensive therapy, namely therapy from outside and from within his own body (biomedical).
The Autism Syndrome
The term autism comes from the word "autos" meaning self "isms" which means a flow. Means an understanding which are interested only in his own world. Autism is a condition of a person from birth or during infancy, which makes him unable to form social relationships or normal communication. As a result the child is isolated from other human beings and into the world of repetitive, obsessive activities and interests. (Baron-Cohen, 1993).
An estimated 75% -80% are persons with autism have mental retardation, while 20% of them have high enough skills to certain areas (Savant). In fact, autism can be detected in infancy. Detection of signs of autistic children are:
When Newborn
Your baby is less likely to respond to the presence of people around, not wanting to make eye contact and tend to be attracted by a moving object. Or he was quiet, not crying for hours.
While year-old Baby
Year-old baby but do not have a major capability as a baby held in general, he could be autistic. But it could be why he was not autistic, it just has not reached capacity. The core competency mastered babies a year are common include crawling, standing with assistance, respond to others with a smile, laugh, frown, etc. Baby's first year are also trying to pronounce a simple word, move my hands, applause or other simple motion.
When Aged Two Years
Children are not interested in even the closest people to the mother. He rarely looked at and not seeing the desired object, not to utter words, lost for words when he had mastered, often mengulanggerakan such as rocking or hand-to-face-body swing back, do not want to play, often walking on tiptoe.
When Third-Fifth Year
Is a collection of symptoms in the previous year, plus his obsession by a particular object, such as games, routines, structure or order of things, very uncomfortable if the order or arrangement of objects that he loves disturbed, can not stand loud noise that actually do not interfere with the child in general, not like to be touched and cuddled.
If your children have gelaja above, consult a physician specialist. Treatment of children with autism to each other differently. But the similarities are, they must be loved. Give love and affection just like in normal children. Children with autism is the child's special because it has different abilities with children generally. So too have special handling. People with autism can be cured with craft and diligence of parents and caregivers.
What Causes Autistic?
Some recent theories say that genetic factors play a role important in the occurrence of autism. One egg twins will experience autistic disorder similar to his twin brother. Also found some children in a family or in one big family experience the same disorder. In addition, the influence of viruses such as rubella, toxo, herpes, fungal; nutrition bad; bleeding; food poisoning, etc. in pregnancy may inhibit growth of brain cells that can cause the baby brain function disturbed mainly a function of understanding, communication and interaction.
Lately the research also revealed the relationship between disturbance digestion and autistic symptoms. Apparently more than 60% of persons with autism It has a digestive system is less than perfect. Such foods form of cow's milk (casein) and wheat flour (gluten) that are not digested perfectly. Proteins from both of these foods do not all turn into amino acids but also a peptide, a form of short chains of amino acids which should be discarded through the urine. Apparently in persons with autism, peptides are reabsorbed by the body, into the blood stream, into the brain and altered by opioid receptors become Morphin namely casomorphin and gliadorphin, which has the effect of damaging brain cells and make the function the brain is interrupted. Brain function is usually affected cognitive function, receptive, attention and behavior.
The word " adolescence " comes from the Latin that is adolescere which means to grow or to grow maturity (Golinko, 1984 in Rice, 1990). Many figures who give a definition of youth, such as DeBrun (in Rice, 1990) defines youth as a period of growth between childhood with adulthood. Papalia and Olds (2001) did not provide an understanding of adolescents (Adolescent) explicitly but implicitly through the notion of adolescence (adolescence).
According to Papalia and Olds (2001), adolescence is a transitional development between childhood and adulthood, which generally begins at age 12 or 13 years and ended in his late teens or early twenties.
According to Adams & Gullota (in Aaro, 1997), adolescence include age between 11 to 20 years. While Hurlock (1990) divides adolescence into early adolescence (13 to 16 or 17 years) and late adolescence (16 or 17 years to 18 years). Early and late adolescence is distinguished by Hurlock because at the end of adolescence the individual has reached the transitional developments closer to adulthood.
Papalia & Olds (2001) argued that adolescence is a period between childhood and adulthood. While Anna Freud (in Hurlock, 1990) argues that occur during adolescence include the development process changes related to psychosexual development, and also there is a change in the relationship with parents and their ideals, where the formation of ideals is the process of formation of orientation future.
Transition development in adolescence is in part the development of childhood but still experienced some maturity has been reached adulthood (Hurlock, 1990). Part of childhood that include biological processes such as height growth is still rising. While part of adulthood, among others, the process of maturation of all body organs including the reproductive function and cognitive maturity that is characterized by being able to think abstractly (Hurlock, 1990; Papalia & Olds, 2001).
The meaning of development is the changes in lifespan (Papalia & Olds, 2001). Changes that can occur quantitatively, for example, height or body weight, and qualitative, such as changes in a concrete way of thinking becomes abstract (Papalia and Olds, 2001). Progress in human life occurs on different aspects. There are three aspects of the proposed development Papalia and Olds (2001), namely: (1) physical development, (2) cognitive development, and (3) personality and social development.
Here are some properties that stand out in the process of development of this period include:
a. Long abandoned Opinions
They want to develop a new establishment. At times looking for the truth that things do not turn into irregular.
b. Disturbed the balance of his soul
They love to oppose tradition, thought they were capable of determining their opinions about all the problems of life. They use their own stance as a guide to his life. Because of that attitude and his actions are not completely quiet.
c. Like hide the contents of the liver
Teenagers like to be a puzzle, because it is difficult to dive his soul. Good deeds and actions can not be used as guidelines for determining mental complexion. Soon he was acting rough, then he looks gentle, sometimes he likes to daydream, and then he looked vigorous and happy again.
d. The period of awakening sense of social.
At this time already established by a great friendship together with peers growing stronger, but his attitude still oppose the authority of adults. They founded the club, they set themselves the rules, they chose the chairman, but the old associations are usually not durable.
While some other characteristic of this period expressed by Dra. Ny. Y. Singgih D. Gunarsa and Dr. Singgih D. Gunarsah in his book Psychology of Adolescents, namely:
1. Conflicts: Conflict-conflict that happened in themselves also cause confusion both for themselves and for others. In general, disputes and conflicts arise opinions and views between the teenager and parents, then this conflict causes a great desire to break away from parents.
2. Desiring to try everything that great unknown. They want to know various things through the efforts made in various fields.
3. The desire to explore the natural surroundings on the broader youth. Not only the nearby neighborhood who wants to be investigated, even the wider environment.
1.1 Background
Emotion is one of the psychiatric symptoms shared by all people, even so it does not mean that human beings all controlled by the emotions because emotions are not the dominant symptom for men. Psychiatric symptoms is strongly influenced by the stimuli that come, and the individual's own circumstances including:
- Physical state of the individual concerned. In general, people who were sick more easily felt emotion than healthy people.
- Individual's own basic character. This is closely related to the structure of individual personality in determining whether or not a person easily emotional experience. For example there are people who angry, otherwise there are also people who are not easily upset.
- The mood is being experienced by these individuals. For example people who are troubled mind would be easy to emotions when compared to normal individuals.
In this paper we will discuss one of the emotional symptoms experienced by a young man when he parted with her boyfriend and their body responses that arise as a result of these emotions.
2.1 Basic Concept of Emotion
Although the definition of quite varied emotions expressed by psychologists from different orientations. However, according to Chaplin presented the general agreement that emotion is a complex reaction that contain activities with a high degree of change in fisic related to the strong feelings. So when someone is experiencing the emotions it can be difficult to control himself so that his behavior is no longer noticed the existing norms and the resulting relationship with the surrounding becomes disrupted.
Types of countless emotions such as: joy, sadness, joy, love, hate, anger, fear, anxiety, all of them small and then each stage can be experienced in different, since from mild to extreme. They can be categorized as positive (eg pleasure, joy, love) and negative (eg, hate, anger, fear)
2.2 Emotion and fisic symptoms
In the previous explanations in general explained that each person experiences it will cause emotional changes that seem fisicly directly observable by others so that they can know what emotions were experienced by these individuals.
One form of emotion and the symptoms that we will fisicly we demonstrated that the emotional distress of a young man who parted with her boyfriend after graduation announcement. When it was her boyfriend take him to a quiet place alone and write a message on the shirt behind her, the girl told him to read the message when I got home and had to read it yourself. Arriving at the house youth that read the contents that might be when she read her boyfriend was there at the airport because the girl's father wants to continue studying in Singapore. The man seemed like a rebel and did not want to let her lover go. Her feelings have mastered all reasonable mind, without thinking man's race with a fast bike to the airport, he does not care about his own safety. At the airport he ran, and several times called out her lover's name, he does not care about the people who see it and say it's crazy, when he still could not find his girlfriend and then he could just let go, limp as unable to pull himself, bowed limply on a bench.
From the example above it is clear that the existence of a close relationship between emotions with fisic symptoms. Individuals who are experiencing grief due to parting with her lover showing acts revealed by the emotions she experienced as running and screaming for her lover's name, his body became limp and no longer have the spirit to live, everything seemed to end up with a girlfriend to accompany separation.
Body movements that are the result revealed that the expression of emotions she experienced as a result of the encouragement feel abnormal strain conditions, arises abruptly in a short time, unconscious, accompanied by physical symptoms that great. So at that moment the young man was experiencing strong emotions of so-called youth feel does not know or did not realize something else to do.
Besides the physical changes that reveal, individuals who have also experienced emotional changes that can not be observed directly by the eye but also can be measured with a specific diagnosis or through. The symptoms experienced by emotion and not directly visible to the eye that is the change in heart rate and a faster pulse, blood flows faster, the formation of adrenal hormones increased, reducing saliva, as well as endocrine expenses.
From the discussion of this paper can be concluded that the emotional symptoms include soul which all people, only style and not the same degree. The same stimulus can lead to allow different levels of emotions in every individual who experienced it.
People who are experiencing emotions we can know by observing physical changes caused by emotions such as: attention to wrinkle his forehead, body movements such as yelling, jumping, and so on. While physiological changes we can not observe directly but can be measured by medical devices or through diagnosis such as: changes in heart rate, blood flow changes, and changes in income hormones such as adrenaline and the body's endocrine glands.
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