The Autism Syndrome
The term autism comes from the word "autos" meaning self "isms" which means a flow. Means an understanding which are interested only in his own world. Autism is a condition of a person from birth or during infancy, which makes him unable to form social relationships or normal communication. As a result the child is isolated from other human beings and into the world of repetitive, obsessive activities and interests. (Baron-Cohen, 1993).
An estimated 75% -80% are persons with autism have mental retardation, while 20% of them have high enough skills to certain areas (Savant). In fact, autism can be detected in infancy. Detection of signs of autistic children are:
When Newborn
Your baby is less likely to respond to the presence of people around, not wanting to make eye contact and tend to be attracted by a moving object. Or he was quiet, not crying for hours.
While year-old Baby
Year-old baby but do not have a major capability as a baby held in general, he could be autistic. But it could be why he was not autistic, it just has not reached capacity. The core competency mastered babies a year are common include crawling, standing with assistance, respond to others with a smile, laugh, frown, etc. Baby's first year are also trying to pronounce a simple word, move my hands, applause or other simple motion.
When Aged Two Years
Children are not interested in even the closest people to the mother. He rarely looked at and not seeing the desired object, not to utter words, lost for words when he had mastered, often mengulanggerakan such as rocking or hand-to-face-body swing back, do not want to play, often walking on tiptoe.
When Third-Fifth Year
Is a collection of symptoms in the previous year, plus his obsession by a particular object, such as games, routines, structure or order of things, very uncomfortable if the order or arrangement of objects that he loves disturbed, can not stand loud noise that actually do not interfere with the child in general, not like to be touched and cuddled.
If your children have gelaja above, consult a physician specialist. Treatment of children with autism to each other differently. But the similarities are, they must be loved. Give love and affection just like in normal children. Children with autism is the child's special because it has different abilities with children generally. So too have special handling. People with autism can be cured with craft and diligence of parents and caregivers.
What Causes Autistic?
Some recent theories say that genetic factors play a role important in the occurrence of autism. One egg twins will experience autistic disorder similar to his twin brother. Also found some children in a family or in one big family experience the same disorder. In addition, the influence of viruses such as rubella, toxo, herpes, fungal; nutrition bad; bleeding; food poisoning, etc. in pregnancy may inhibit growth of brain cells that can cause the baby brain function disturbed mainly a function of understanding, communication and interaction.
Lately the research also revealed the relationship between disturbance digestion and autistic symptoms. Apparently more than 60% of persons with autism It has a digestive system is less than perfect. Such foods form of cow's milk (casein) and wheat flour (gluten) that are not digested perfectly. Proteins from both of these foods do not all turn into amino acids but also a peptide, a form of short chains of amino acids which should be discarded through the urine. Apparently in persons with autism, peptides are reabsorbed by the body, into the blood stream, into the brain and altered by opioid receptors become Morphin namely casomorphin and gliadorphin, which has the effect of damaging brain cells and make the function the brain is interrupted. Brain function is usually affected cognitive function, receptive, attention and behavior.