Intelligence words derived from Latin word "intelligere" which means connect or unite with each other (to organize, to Relate, to bind, together).
William Stern defines that intelligence is the power mnyesuaikan themselves with the new situation by using the tools to think according to its purpose. Stern stressed the matter of "adjustment" to the problems it faces. People who are intelligent will be faster and more precise in dealing with the problems barubila compared with the less intelligent. The man considered intelligent if the response is a good response to the stimulus it receives.
Hedison Lewis Terman gave his opinion about the intelligence as ".... Theability to carry on abstract Thingking". Terman distinguish the "abilities" related to things that are concrete premises "abilities" related to things that abstark.
According to Spearman intelligence it contains 2 kinds of factors, namely:
1. "General ability" (factor G)
2. "Special ability" (factor S)
Spearman's theory known as dual factor theory (two factors theory).
According to Spearman's "general ability" or "general factor" present in all individuals but different from one another. Factor G was always found in all the "performance". While the S factor is a factor that is specific, ie on a particular field. So if on one factor S in a particular field is dominant, then the person tersebit will stand out in that field. According to Spearman each "performance" Gdan factor S factor, or can be formulated:
P = G + S

But because S is a special character then when individuals face different issues then S will also be different.
Burt has a view close to the views of Spearman. But according to Burt in addition to the G factor and S factor there is another factor that is "common abilities." Common abilities is an "ability" something particular ability group. So according to Burt in intelligence, there are 3 factors: factor G, factor
S, factor C. Can be formulated:
P = G + S + C

Are like has been stated above that each individual varies in terms of intelligence. Because different terms then the individ intelligence with one another is not the same ability to solve a problem faced. Regarding the matter of differences in intelligence is the existence of different views which emphasize the qualitative differences and viewpoints that emphasize quantitative differences. The first view argues that differences in individual intelligence with each other qualitatively different than it was incorrect, so the dasrnya is different. While the discussion focuses on kualititatif view argues that differences in intelligence with one another only be qualitative, so therefore solely due to material differences pliers received or due to differences in the learning process. The differences in the learning process will bring a difference in terms of intelligence.
With intelligence test intended to disclose the intelligence level of individuals tested. People who can be regarded as the person who first created the Binet intelligence test. As has been stated upfront after Binet created the test, it then evolved with the rapid test. Binet intelligence test than originally compiled in 1905, who then gets a good variety of Binet itself and from other experts.
In 1916 Binet test was revised, and adapted the famous with the Revised Terman of Stanford University and known as the "Stanford Revision" or "Stanford Binet." Revised test was held to adjust to the situation in America, and used terms:
I. Q. = M. A
C. A
To avoid fractional numbers, the formula is multiplied by 100 so that the formula of the form:
I. Q = M. A x 100
C. A
It turned out that intelligence tests have continued to progress. In 1939, David Wecchsler create "individual intelligence test" which is famous for "Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale" and in 1949 created the test "Intelligebce Wechsler Scale for Children (WISC), which diperumtukkan for children. His IQ Classification:
Very Superior 130 + IQ
Superior 120-129 IQ
Bright Normal 110-119 IQ
Ayerage 90-109 IQ
Dull Normal 80-89 IQ
Borderline 70-79 IQ
Mental defective bellows 69 and IQ (Harriman, 1958)

According to his strength, intellect there are 2 kinds:
1. Creative intelligence: intelligence is the power to create something
2. Executive intelligence: intelligence is a force to follow the thoughts of others.

According to the point, intelligence can be divided into 2 types:
1. Theoretical intelligence: an intelligence to mmemecahkan problem is the theory.
2. Practical intelligence: intelligence is to pick tindaka or to do.

Various kinds of intelligence tests:
1. Intelligence-test Binet-Simon:
Binet and Simon both the French nation, investigating the intelligence of children aged between 3-15 years, to the relationship with school knowledge. It contained among other meniruka sentences, citing a row of numbers, make a sentence with 3 words and so forth. With this we get the Comparative Intelligence abbreviated abbreviated PK or intelligence quotient, IQ.
IQ is a divide we get intelligence age (MA = Mental Age) is the number of correct answers divided by calendar age (CA = Chornological Age) is the child's age was investigated, then multiplied by 100.

2. Test Army (Army Mental Test) in America
In 1917 the United States joined World War I against the nature of Germany. Therefore, America was forced to form a massive army secra in a short time. The test is used Psikoteknik, psychology is the study of one's ability to hold a position in accordance with their respective intelligence. Since the test included the countrymen, the test is then called the National Intelligence Test.

3. Mental test
Is a test to find out any ability sseorang soul that includes fantasy, memory, mind, intellect, feelings. So the intelligence test is only part of a mental test.

4. Scholastic test
Is a test to determine the level of teaching in each subject, in each class. Yan emphasis is to work quickly and well. Test iniberguna to replace the general tests or exams.

By psychology on Saturday, January 22, 2011 | | A comment?
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